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Save More on Car Insurance with Pass Plus Discount: Get the Best Deals!

Get a Pass Plus certificate to save money on your car insurance premiums. This discount is available to new drivers who have completed the Pass Plus course.

Car insurance can be a significant expense for many drivers. However, there are ways to save money on your premiums, and one of them is through the Pass Plus discount. If you're a new driver or have just passed your test, you may not be aware of this discount, but it could save you a substantial amount of money. By completing a Pass Plus course, you can demonstrate that you're a safe and responsible driver, which could lead to reduced insurance costs. In this article, we'll explore what the Pass Plus discount is, how you can qualify for it, and how much you could save.


Car insurance is a necessary expense for drivers, but it can be costly. However, there are ways to reduce the cost of your car insurance premiums. One such way is through a Pass Plus discount. This article will explore what a Pass Plus discount is and how it can help you save money on your car insurance.

What is Pass Plus?

Pass Plus is a training course for new drivers that is designed to help them become safer and more confident on the road. The course covers a range of driving skills, including driving in different weather conditions, on motorways, at night, and in town centers. The course is usually taken after a driver has passed their driving test, and it typically takes around six hours to complete.

How can Pass Plus help reduce car insurance premiums?

Taking a Pass Plus course can help reduce car insurance premiums because it demonstrates to insurers that you are a safer driver. Safer drivers are less likely to be involved in accidents, which means that they are less of a risk to insure. As a result, insurers may offer discounts on car insurance premiums to those who have completed a Pass Plus course.

How much can you save with a Pass Plus discount?

The amount you can save with a Pass Plus discount will vary depending on the insurer. However, some insurers offer discounts of up to 30% for drivers who have completed the course. This could equate to a significant saving on your car insurance premiums, particularly if you are a young driver or have a high-risk occupation.

Do all insurers offer Pass Plus discounts?

Not all insurers offer Pass Plus discounts, so it is essential to check with your insurer before you take the course. However, many of the major insurers in the UK do offer Pass Plus discounts, including Admiral, Aviva, Direct Line, and Churchill.

How much does a Pass Plus course cost?

The cost of a Pass Plus course will vary depending on where you live and the driving instructor you choose. However, the average cost of a Pass Plus course in the UK is around £150. While this may seem like a significant expense, it could save you money in the long run by reducing your car insurance premiums.

How do you apply for a Pass Plus discount?

If you have completed a Pass Plus course, you will need to provide evidence of this to your insurer to claim your discount. This evidence may include a certificate of completion or a letter from your driving instructor. You should contact your insurer directly to find out what evidence they require.

Are there any other benefits of taking a Pass Plus course?

In addition to potentially saving you money on your car insurance premiums, there are other benefits of taking a Pass Plus course. These include:
  • Becoming a safer driver
  • Improving your driving confidence
  • Gaining experience in different driving conditions
  • Reducing your risk of being involved in an accident
  • Making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers who require driving skills (e.g., delivery drivers)


If you are a new driver or have recently passed your driving test, taking a Pass Plus course could help you save money on your car insurance premiums. The course will not only make you a safer and more confident driver, but it could also reduce your risk of being involved in an accident. While not all insurers offer Pass Plus discounts, many do, so it is worth checking with your insurer before you take the course.

Understanding Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount

Car insurance can be expensive, especially for new drivers. However, the Pass Plus scheme is a way to reduce the cost of your car insurance premiums. Pass Plus is a training course designed to improve your driving skills and knowledge and make you a safer driver on the road. The Pass Plus scheme is supported by the government and is recognized by most car insurance companies.

How Pass Plus works

The Pass Plus scheme consists of six modules that cover different aspects of driving, including driving in town, driving on rural roads, driving on motorways, and driving at night. Each module includes practical driving sessions and theoretical training. To complete the course, you must pass a practical assessment at the end of each module.

Who is eligible for Pass Plus Discount

The Pass Plus scheme is available to all new drivers who have recently passed their driving test. You can take the course at any time after passing your test, but it is recommended that you take it within the first year of passing your test to maximize the benefits of the scheme. The Pass Plus scheme is also open to drivers who have held a full driving license for some time but want to improve their driving skills.

How much can you save with Pass Plus Discount

The amount you can save on your car insurance premiums with a Pass Plus discount varies depending on the insurance company. However, most insurance companies offer a discount of up to 30% for drivers who have completed the Pass Plus scheme. This means that you could potentially save hundreds of pounds on your car insurance premiums over the course of a year.

Steps to apply for Pass Plus Discount

To apply for a Pass Plus discount on your car insurance, you need to complete the Pass Plus course and obtain a Pass Plus certificate. You can then present this certificate to your car insurance company to receive your discount. It's important to note that not all car insurance companies offer Pass Plus discounts, so you should check with your insurance provider before signing up for the scheme.

Tips for Passing Pass Plus

Passing the Pass Plus course requires dedication and hard work. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Take the course seriously and commit to learning as much as possible
  • Practice regularly and take extra lessons if needed
  • Listen carefully to your instructor and ask questions if you're unsure about anything
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes – they are opportunities to learn and improve

Benefits of Pass Plus beyond discounts

The Pass Plus scheme offers many benefits beyond the potential car insurance discount. By completing the course, you will become a safer and more confident driver, which can reduce your risk of accidents on the road. You'll also learn how to handle different driving conditions, such as adverse weather and night driving. Finally, completing the Pass Plus scheme can improve your job prospects if you're looking for work that involves driving.

How to find Pass Plus courses near you

The Pass Plus scheme is widely available throughout the UK. To find a Pass Plus course near you, you can visit the Pass Plus website or check with your local driving school. The Pass Plus website also offers a directory of registered Pass Plus trainers, which can help you find an accredited instructor in your area.

Alternatives to Pass Plus for saving on car insurance

If you're unable to complete the Pass Plus scheme or want to explore other ways to save on your car insurance premiums, there are alternatives available. Some insurance companies offer discounts for drivers who install a telematics device in their car, which monitors their driving behavior and rewards safe driving. Additionally, you can save money on your car insurance by increasing your voluntary excess or opting for a lower level of coverage.

Common misconceptions about Pass Plus Discount

There are several misconceptions about the Pass Plus scheme, including:

  • Pass Plus is only for new drivers – in fact, anyone can take the course to improve their driving skills
  • Pass Plus is too expensive – while there is a cost associated with the course, it is often less than the potential savings on car insurance premiums
  • Pass Plus is not worth the time and effort – completing the course can make you a safer driver and improve your job prospects, in addition to potentially saving you money on car insurance

Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount is a scheme that offers discounts on car insurance premiums for drivers who have passed their Pass Plus course. The course is designed to improve the driving skills and confidence of new drivers, making them safer on the road. While there are pros and cons to using this discount, it can be a useful tool for those looking to save money on their car insurance policies.


  1. Discounted premiums: The most significant benefit of Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount is that it can help reduce the cost of car insurance premiums. With insurance costs rising year on year, any discount is a welcome one.
  2. Improved driving skills: The Pass Plus course covers topics such as motorway driving, night driving, and driving in adverse weather conditions. These skills can make drivers more confident and safer on the road.
  3. Less risk of accidents: With improved driving skills, there is a reduced chance of accidents occurring. This not only benefits the driver but also other road users.
  4. Peace of mind: Knowing that you have completed a driving course and are a safer driver can provide peace of mind when driving, especially for new or nervous drivers.


  1. Cost of the course: While the discount on car insurance premiums is attractive, the cost of the Pass Plus course can be a barrier for some drivers. The cost of the course varies depending on the location and instructor.
  2. Limited availability: The Pass Plus course is not available in all areas, which can be frustrating for drivers who want to take advantage of the discount but cannot access the course.
  3. Not a guarantee of cheaper insurance: While the Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount can help reduce the cost of insurance premiums, it is not a guarantee. Other factors such as age, location, and type of car can also affect insurance costs.
  4. Time-consuming: The Pass Plus course takes several hours to complete, which can be a significant time commitment for busy drivers.

In conclusion, Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount can be an effective way for new drivers to reduce the cost of their car insurance premiums while improving their driving skills. However, it is important to weigh up the pros and cons before committing to the course and discount.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount. We hope that the information provided has been helpful in understanding how this scheme can benefit you as a driver.As we have discussed, Pass Plus is a training course for new drivers that provides additional experience and knowledge in various driving conditions. By completing this course, you not only become a safer driver but also become eligible for a discount on your car insurance premium.It is important to note that not all insurance companies offer Pass Plus discounts, so it is worth shopping around and comparing quotes from different providers. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain a safe driving record to ensure that you continue to receive the discount.In conclusion, taking advantage of the Pass Plus Discount can be an excellent way to save money on your car insurance premium while improving your driving skills. We encourage you to consider this option and to continue driving safely on the road. Thank you again for visiting our blog, and we wish you all the best in your driving journey.

1. What is Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount?

Pass Plus is a training course that aims to improve the driving skills and safety of new drivers. The course covers a range of driving scenarios that are not covered in the standard driving test, such as driving on motorways and in adverse weather conditions. Some car insurance providers offer discounts to drivers who have completed the Pass Plus course.

2. How much discount can I get with Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount?

The amount of discount you can receive with Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount varies depending on the insurance provider. Typically, you can expect to receive a discount of between 5% and 25% off your annual car insurance premium.

3. Who is eligible for Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount?

Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount is available to drivers who have completed the Pass Plus training course. The course is open to drivers who have recently passed their driving test, as well as more experienced drivers who want to improve their driving skills.

4. How long does Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount last?

The length of time that Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount lasts varies depending on the insurance provider. Some providers offer the discount for the entire duration of your car insurance policy, while others offer it for a set period, such as one year. You may need to complete the Pass Plus course again in order to renew the discount.

5. How do I apply for Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount?

To apply for Car Insurance Pass Plus Discount, you will need to provide evidence that you have completed the Pass Plus training course. This may include a certificate or letter from your driving instructor. You should contact your car insurance provider to find out what evidence they require and how to apply for the discount.